Saturday, February 16, 2013


I killed them all.

No need to worry dear readers, they mostly deserved it. My name is Whisper or at least that is what I'm known as around these parts.

I tend to clean the world, one fear servant at a time.

What is a fear servant you ask?

Well...fears are eldritch personifications of fears that humanity has had since the beginning of it. Fear servants are simply people that willingly or unwillingly serve them and do their bidding at every turn.

That about sums it up.

I travel America, mostly in order to hunt these fear servants. I've only a handful of times dealt with the fears themselves. I kind of have a protection against them.

The Black Dog.

The Black Dog, is the fear of truth. I travel with the Black Dog, he shields me from the other fears as they tend to not get involved in other peoples servants unless its really necessary. I guess you  could call me a servant of the Black Dog, but I only occasionally do his bidding.

I guess I'm kind of a hypocrite when it comes to that, but I don't like to look at it that way.

So what group of servants was I killing?

Well, a couple of renegade proxies and timberwolves.

One thing that is also debatable about me is that one could say that I help the fears by killing their renegade servants.

I don't really care who I kill or what side that person is on.

If it's a fear servant, I kill it, simple as that.

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