Saturday, March 2, 2013


I think Ben just goes off so that we can get to know each other. Ben always says that nobody works well with strangers.

Xe is unbelievable shy around me, so there wasn't much of actual conversation.

"So, how did you get dragged into this?" I asked.

Xe just looked down and said nothing. I left her to xerself, because if it was me I wouldn't want people pushing on my buttons, if you guys know what I mean.

Although if xe doesn't talk soon that may be a problem for me. Because I always am anxious to find out the most about new people and befriend them. It annoys me when I'm unable to.

Ben came back with a bunch of guns and blades. I guess that explains what he was up to. I wonder if we are already going to target EAT or if we are training Ellery first.

I should find out!

1 comment:

  1. Training is always fun. Does the black dogs training involve learning how to sniff around?
    How about taking breaks to take him for a walk?

    When you go and kill campers try not to kill the small blonde nerdy girl sticking around. I'm not a camper. You'll know if its me when I actualy show emotions.
    But if you do try to kill me don't be surprised when I shoot back.(I just don't feel like dying, nothing personal.) That is if you are in my universe.
